Version 2 Just Released!
Now You Can Create Ready-To-Publish Journals, Planners and Other Low Content Books - Simply And Easily With The Brand New Journal Creator Cloud Software! Sell Them On Amazon, Etsy, Or Wherever you wish!
It only takes a few minutes.... and I'll prove it to you in the video below.
Hey, it's Amber Jalink here. You may not know me, but I've been marketing online full time since May of 1997 (yep 22+ years!) And while you probably don't care about that, I'm simply stating it so you know I'm not a "here today / gone tomorrow" marketer.
So let's talk about why you're here:
You likely know about the popularity of journals, planners, and other low content books on Amazon, Etsy and elsewhere. I'm not going to give you a big speal on why you should create and sell these types of products. if you have watched ANY products lately, several have talked about journals for a while.
But in case you missed it, you might ask, "what is a journal", isn't it just a notebook or diary?
But in case you missed it, you might ask, "what is a journal", isn't it just a notebook or diary?
(Yes, I've been asked this and to be honest it's a valid question! I'm bad for "assuming" everyone knows what a journal is... but not everyone does - so let's tackle this one for a moment just briefly.)
A journal is (or can be)... a simple notebook where you write ideas, goals, product notes, even planning your day without a formal daily planner.
A journal can be a diary, a health log, an anxiety or feelings log, it can even be to express your thoughts and gratitude to others.
It's FAR beyond what they originally started out as. And years ago, journals were mainly called "diaries", but today they are far more than just that.
And what is a "low content book?"
And what is a "low content book?"
If you are unfamiliar with the term, a "low content book" is very simply a book that doesn't have a ton of reading in it. For example, a novel or short story has a lot of words (even if it is a short story).
However, a "low content book" can be anything from a journal, planner, notebook, diary, even a photobook, or coloring book. It does not have to have a lot of text - it's typically for the buyer to add their own text (usually).
There are lots of varieties of low content books, and what I'm about to show you gives you the ability to create SO many different products that you can sell - in just minutes.
For example, I have many notebooks, but some I consider more "journals" than notebooks. Why? It's simply in how I use it.
And I know you probably use one too, even if you don't realize it.
But whether you use a journal or not, millions of people around the world DO use journals. In fact, I read a post that the average person has several journals! Granted, they don't always use them to the fullest, and some sit empty - but then there are others of us who have many (as in 10-20 or more!)
And journals are very popular on Amazon and Etsy and so many other marketplaces, even more so than coloring topics.
And what about planners? Oh. My. Goodness. These are my weakness! (LOL).
Seriously, I have literally, on my desk right now 3 I'm working with.... proof?

Yes, it's blurred a little for privacy.... one of those is a planner... the other is a log.
Oh, and in the back, that pile there? There are another FOUR I work with!
Why do I work with so many? Well... maybe I'm a little "addicted" - but my husband used to tease me about the endless papers I had around, (particularly on my nightstand) that were To Do lists, and schedules, and planners. (He still teases me about my to-do lists...)
The fact is, nothing out there worked for me, so I created my own.
And I have them for various parts of my life - yes, I have a completely separate combination journal & planner for my workouts/health.
And I have others that are strictly for my weekly & monthly overviews.
And I have journals where I just write thoughts. But I also have notebooks, and occasionally have coloring books as well.
But aside from me.... you may also be one who loves to use these types of books. Even if not, you know that they are massively popular.
You already know this, and perhaps you thought about creating your own journals, but found it a little difficult to put together. I know, I get it.
Not everyone wants to use Powerpoint, Publisher, or InDesign. Sometimes you JUST want something quick and easy, with a layout already there.
In a moment I'm going to help you with that - but first let me show you just ONE example of a successful journal selling at Amazon. (You can easily do a search for "writing journal" and you'll see what I mean.)
Example: "Good Days Start With Gratitude" ... writing journal. NO this is NOT my book... it's simply one of the best sellers out there - since 2017! In fact, this book is ranked at 183 in ALL BOOKS!

Looking at the sales rank of this book, and using an online calculator - this book is estimated to be making about 788+ sales per month on average. The first one is using JungleScout's ranker:

If you look at TCK Publishing's numbers, it's as many as 6,756 book sales per month!

Based on Kindle Direct Publishing's royalty calculator,
At the "sale price" of $6.99, the royalty on this book is $1.93 per sale. Multiply that $1.93 x 788 sales (using JungleScout's number), = approximately $1,520.84 in monthly income - from that ONE journal!
Now, using the TCK Publishing's ranker, with as much as 6756 sales/mo, at the LIST price of $6.99, ($1.93 is her royalty remember), that is an approximate $13,039.08 in monthly income!
Again - just that ONE book.
Disclaimer: Obviously I'm not saying how much money you could make with journals, it's entirely up to you, and the effort you put into it. You could earn a lot, or nothing, but you certainly won't earn without trying. This is not a get rich quick scheme, it is a true business - even a sideline business - and any business requires effort.
And as mentioned, journals and other low content books don't "just" have to be for regular writing, they can be as detailed as affiliate journals, social media planners, (think online marketing!), or health / weight loss related, gratitude, spiritual, anti-bullying notebooks, to-do lists, coloring books, and the list continues.
But it doesn't JUST have to be for adults - you can make journals for kids as well! (This seems like an untapped market in my opinion). It's a great way to get kids - young and thru teen years, to write about anything... make a journal for their favorite movies, vacations, even play time! (Think treasure hunters, puzzles, mysteries!) I've never talked about these before, but the ideas are just to fun not to give them away.
It doesn't matter how many ideas I have, or how many I'm working on publishing (and I am working on many) - I know I can't create all of them myself, and every person has different ideas and approaches.
Give me a brief moment to explain how this all came about, and how you can create journals just like I suggested or with your own ideas, quickly and easily, even if you don't have a CLUE how to use Word, Publisher, InDesign or any other word processing or desktop publishing type software.
Because you're about to learn why you don't need it.
I know what you might be thinking.
You might love the idea of creating a journal (or even something a little different), but perhaps you don't have the knowledge and skill for creating it in Powerpoint, Word, Publisher or InDesign. (Let alone the time!)
I get it, I totally understand that feeling - of both lack of time, and sometimes lack of knowledge (or even just a blank brain on how to design what you can picture in your mind).
To be completely honest, I LOVE designing stuff in Microsoft Publisher - years ago I was one of the first using MS Office products, I was hired at 3 jobs specifically to teach the use of it to others while I also did my job. (That was before my internet days... sorry, I'm dating myself since I've been online full time for 22+ years!)
Okay - fast forward now - oh, 24 years? Almost everyone is at least familiar with Word, or something similar. (After all, you can type an email right??)
Well with all my years of using the varying versions of Word, Publisher and Powerpoint, I created a few journal designs in it, and started selling some of the templates after being asked repeatedly to do so.
But two other things cropped up as I was creating and selling some of them.
First, for those who wanted to use my pre-designed styles, most of the members had no clue how to use Publisher, they didn't even have it. And while there are some software alternates out there, they just don't work as good (or as easy), unless you get into Adobe InDesign (which is an even bigger learning curve).
Only a few understood how to use Publisher.
So I had to switch over to Powerpoint. Which is great... but many still didn't know that.
And that's when I came up with the realization, that I could create a completely separate, fully functional Journal builder type software, that lets you design right in the system following simple prompts!
I knew it had to be step-by-step easy, it had to NOT require fancy positioning, and it couldn't require you to then take the file and open it in Word or Powerpoint or some other program to finish.
In other words, it had to do it all, from the inside cover to the end pages - all in one system.
Back in 2017 we created this system to do EXACTLY THAT for you - and over the past several weeks, I've done a MAJOR upgrade on the system.
It's actually been offline for new members since December of last year... and I was CONSTANTLY asked to re-open it. (Seriously, I had at least 5 emails every single week asking when it would come back).
So - after clearing a lot off my plate, I spent the last several weeks updating the system completely, and it's ready to re-open!
You don't have to be an expert, just follow the prompts, and at the end, you'll have a PDF file ready to upload to the printing system of your choice, whether that's CreateSpace (for Amazon), Etsy, or any other!
It's so easy, you can create a fully ready-to-publish product in less than a few minutes. (Some templates are even faster!)
And I'll prove it to you....
Watch as I create a journal quickly and easily with this simple walk thru step-by-step system. This journal took me less than 3 minutes to actually create (and that's as I was talking throughout). It is NOT sped up so you can see exactly what to do.
(You can open it full screen if you wish)
I Invite You To Join Our Brand New Journal Creator Online Software, and Start Profiting With Your OWN Journals!
Let's look at the most important features:

Speed up your time by customizing templates right on the spot!
There are 25 templates immediately available to you so you don't have to worry about figuring out how to lay out a design.
This speeds up your time, and there's NO learning curve to figuring out how you want it to look.
Simply select the predesigned style and enter the text and/or images!
No downloading templates, no opening other programs, simply do it right online!
These templates were custom created, exclusively for this system.

Mobile Friendly - Use on almost Any Device - Anywhere!
Yes, this system will work whether you're on a desktop computer, MAC, a tablet or even a phone! Obviously we suggest you use at least a tablet or higher for screen size, (after all, it's easier to design on a bigger screen), but quite simply they will all work as we've made it fully responsive!
There are NO installs - no issues between Windows or Mac, no installing Adobe Air, nothing! It's 100% web based so all you need is an internet connection, and simply load it in your browser! (We do recommend Firefox, but you shouldn't have a problem with other browsers).

Easy Step By Step Walk thru system
On each journal template you work with, you will see a layout similar to below (except without the speech bubbles ;). This though shows you what to expect in the step-by-step system.

Publish on Amazon, Etsy, or ANY Marketplace of your choosing!
Using this system, you are free to publish your journals created with this system absolutely anywhere! You have full rights to print and publish anywhere you want, no restrictions, no royalties to us!
And of course there's much more than this,
but what about the design templates?
What do they look like?
Standard Level Designs
Standard level members get unlimited access to 10 25 template design styles. These are 30 day templates, currently set at 8x10 for publishing (they print on up to A4/8.5"x11", but can be trimmed to 8x10).
In most cases below, the blue boxes are images, the other boxes are text. However, if you like a style that says text but you prefer an image, simply upload the image online, and using the WYSIWYG editor, add the image from a link! It will embed it into the document... = instant image!
Again - these are SIMPLIFIED screenshots of the base templates. YOU get to customize them with just a few clicks of your mouse. (And this isn't all... just some of the 25 you get access to).

When you join, you will get immediate access so you can start building your journals.
You'll want to watch the short training video so you understand how to get around, and how to use the creator.
Because this is the beginning of our launch, during the next 7 days, you can get an exciting special access pricing, but only for 7 days. After that, it goes up.
But before I show you that - let me answer a few questions I know you're probably wondering about.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1. "Are there any royalties at all?"
Answer 1. No. Simply join as a member, create your journals, and put them up for sale. Whatever you earn when you sell them is entirely yours! You CAN NOT sell the templates to others obviously.
Question 2. "Does that mean I have to remain a member forever in order to remain royalty free?"
Answer 2. No. There are no long term commitments to our membership. Simply know that if you choose to cancel and then come back at a later date, we will not hold any pricing specials for you, you will be required to rejoin at whatever the current membership cost is.
Question 3. "What are the sizes of the journals?"
Answer 3. As stated above, they are designed for regular size paper (8.5"x11" or A4) - but can easily be trimmed "with bleed" to 8x10. "Some" might fit 6x9", but you would be responsible for resizing down if you wish to do that.
Question 4. "Do you see what we are creating so you can copy it?"
Answer 4. First off - let me ease your mind, in ANY of our sites, I never copy another member's products or ideas. I have my own ideas. Occasionally we might have the same "topic" idea (i.e., a gratitude journal) - but the words, prompts, images etc. are completely different, so you can ease your mind on that. Second - I cannot see ANYTHING you create unless you show me. The system does NOT save inside, only to YOUR computer if you choose to save as you go along (which you should, because that's the only way to retrieve it).
Question 5. "What format does it produce?"
Answer 5. At completion it creates a PDF file which you will download and save to your computer (or whatever device you're using). Remember - it does NOT save the pdf file in the system, you MUST download it yourself.
Question 6. "If I need to go back and fix something, can I?"
Answer 6. Yes, as long as you save your project as you go. Even if at a later time, you have created other projects and want to edit one of them, simply upload the one you want to change/edit. (The instructions are inside for this in the 17 minute video, and I'll be elaborating even more on this).
Question 7. "If I love it, can I tell others? Do you have an affiliate program?"
Answer 7. Absolutely! Scroll to the bottom for our affiliate details.
Question 8. "What software do I need to use the creator?"
Answer 8. You only need an internet connection and a browser (just like how you're reading this now). That's it. It's entirely web based, so you can log in any time, from anywhere. (But do NOT share your log in without permission from us i.e., with a VA - our system will block your account if it thinks you're sharing your access.
Question 9. "Can I share my account with others?"
Answer 9. No. This is for your access only. We track IPs. If more than one person from different ips try to access your account, your account may be locked. We understand people travel, so that's ok. But the system will flag if it's more than 1 different IP in the same day, so don't share it. If you have a dynamic IP address that changes constantly, please notify us if your account gets locked and we'll investigate to reinstate it.
Question 10. "What if I want a feature that isn't in there?"
Answer 10. Simply submit a ticket to our support desk and we'll see if it's a viable addition, and if so, we'll strive to add it for you!
Question 11. "Is it monthly? Are there any lifetime options?"
Answer 11. There are no lifetime options and there's a simple reason for this. Have you ever noticed that often software that is "one time" suddenly stops getting support, or entirely disappears? This is because "one time" payments DO NOT support the system or any further development. In most cases, when it's "only" lifetime, many marketers just take it and run.
You can NOT have an ongoing service with just lifetime memberships. For that reason, the monthly membership helps us keep YOUR support going, helps us add NEW features according to your requests, and helps us continually improve. We have a very high rapport for support with our members of our other sites BECAUSE we continually support them.
Now, during this special launch, you can join our Standard level at a special 1 year rate for Version 2.0. (It's a crazy insane discount). It does NOT automatically renew, so at the end of 1 yr, you will need to follow the instructions inside your account to renew. But as a warning, after the launch days are done, it WILL become a monthly subscription and the yearly option will drastically increase.
Remember, you can do SO much more than just "regular" journals. Think Affiliate Journals, Blogging and writing journals, puzzle journals, anxiety/depression encouragement, and so much more.
So how do you join? It's easy: Simply choose the level you want below, and join! You'll get almost instant access so you can start creating immediately. Simply click "return to merchant" OR let Paypal redirect you back to create your account). If something glitches, simply go to your WarriorPlus receipt for your access.
Click the button below and let's get started!
Hurry during this special! The price will go up to $17+ per month (or more) ($108/yr) very shortly. You can grab a whopping 82% off for just a few days with our special 1 year membership!
Standard Edition Includes:
25 Template Designs to work with immediately!
UNLIMITED USE! Publish Unlimited 30 day Journals, Planners and other low content books!
Publish on Etsy, Amazon or any other marketplace you wish - OR print at your local printers! YES you can even sell Digital Editions!
Don't be fooled by the insanely low price - this system produces high quality, print ready journals you can sell. I know there are other software programs out there that are one time costs, often at a much higher rate. And sometimes, that puts the software out of people's budgets. I am determined to keep it as affordable as possible, and that's why it's not $47 a month or higher!
Are there any upsells or one time offers? Yes, there are a few additional offers. They are NOT required to use the system in any way, they are simply additional template styling options, and our enhanced Agency edition in case you'd like to create for others to increase your income.
Again, they are OPTIONAL only.
So go now while the prices are at this special introductory rate!
Remember to click "return to merchant" or allow Paypal to return you to the system when you have completed your payment.
Welcome aboard! To your success,
Amber Jalink